Product categories

Product categories


Jallings’ Elevators

Presenting the development and design of hand, belt, steam, hydraulic and electric elevators, Jallings’ Elevators served as a popular reference during the early 20th century. Starting with the fundamental principles of elevator technology, the book describes – in substantial detail -mechanical equipment, as well as cars and car frames, guide rails and hoist ropes. The…


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Jallings’ Elevators (Digital)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION – PLEASE READ: You are purchasing a digital book or video that is accessed through the Flux Player app (not a stand-alone PDF). It’s easy to use and all of your digital purchases will be stored in one place for convenience. Once you make your digital purchase you will receive an email confirmation…


January 2011 The Application of Electromechanical Spring-Set Brakes in MRL

January 2011 The Application of Electromechanical Spring-Set Brakes in MRL

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing. This test is based on the article, The Application of Electromechanical Spring-Set Brakes in MRL Machines published in the January 2011 issue and counts as one contact hour (0.1 CEU) of elevator-industry continuing-education credit. Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI…


July 2009 Steel Wire Ropes for Traction

July 2009 Steel Wire Ropes for Traction

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing. This test is based on the article, Steel Wire Ropes for Traction Elevators: Part Two, published in the July 2009 issue and counts as 1 Contact Hour (0.1 CEU) towards recertification. Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI and in the…


July 2011 Rope Dynamics

July 2011 Rope Dynamics

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing. This test is based on the article, Rope Dynamics, published in the July 2011 issue and counts as two contact hours (0.2 CEU) of elevator-industry continuing-education credit. Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI and in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas,…


July 2012 NEC Article:Constructional Stretch & Hoist-Rope Tension

July 2012 NEC Article:Constructional Stretch & Hoist-Rope Tension

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing. This test is based on the article, Constructional Stretch and Hoist-Rope Tension, published in the July 2012 issue and counts as one contact hour (0.1 CEU) of elevator industry continuing education credit. Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI…


Elevator World | July 2021 Cover

July 2021 Rope Development and Lubrication

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing. This test is based on the article, Rope Development and Lubrication, published in the July 2021 issue and counts as one contact hour (0.1 CEU) of elevator industry continuing education credit. Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI and…


June 2007 Replacing Motor-Generator Sets

June 2007 Replacing Motor-Generator Sets

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing. This test is based on the article, Replacing Motor-Generator Sets with Modern Static DC Drives, published in the June 2007 issue and counts as 1 Contact Hour (0.1 CEU) of elevator-industry continuing education credit. Most courses approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI…


June 2008 Round Traveling Cable Inst.

June 2008 Round Traveling Cable Installation

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing. This test is based on the article, Round Traveling Cable Installation, published in the June 2008 issue and counts as 1 Contact Hour (0.1 CEU) towards recertification.Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI and in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,…


June 2010 Regenerative Elevator Drives: What, How and Why

June 2010 Regenerative Elevator Drives: What, How and Why

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing. This test is based on the article, Regenerative Elevator Drives: What, How and Why, published in the June 2010 issue and counts as 1 Contact Hour (0.1 CEU) towards recertification. Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESA for QEI and in the following…
