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2025 Elevator Industry Field Employees’ Safety Handbook – English Edition

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Publication Date: 2025



Published every five years, the 220-page pocket-sized, spiral-bound 2025 edition of the Elevator Industry Field Employees' Safety Handbook is designed as a resource for safety information and written processes for elevator industry field employees to help prevent injuries and illnesses resulting from unsafe acts and conditions found in the elevator industry. The book promotes elevator industry jobsite safety through adherence to standard work practices, the elevator industry's Nine Safety Absolutes and applicable laws and regulations. The book's safety guidelines are to be viewed as the minimum needed to be deployed by the elevator industry and other trades that work alongside it. It is intended to augment a company's safety program (policy) and NOT as a complete safety program.

This edition of the Handbook, developed by Elevator World, Inc., the National Association of Elevator Contractors, the National Elevator Industry Education Program and the National Elevator Industry, Inc., includes major revisions and new content, including sections and sub-sections on Confined Space, Silica, Heat Illness Prevention, Workplace Violence, Mental Health and Well-being, Aluminum Beam Reference Chart and a Re-roping Pre-start Checklist.

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Author Bio

Elevator World, Inc. is the largest publisher in the world devoted to the elevator industry: publishing a monthly journal; compiling the Elevator World SOURCE, the most inclusive directory in the industry; publishing numerous books used for industry education; maintaining ELENET, a biweekly email newsletter; and developing the Elevator World online network, a group of specialized websites with more than 70,000 users a month. Elevator World is the publisher and distributor of the print-based materials for the four-year Certified Elevator Technician (CET) Education Program. The company is 72 years old and has played a key role in the transfer of knowledge in the vertical-transportation industry.

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