Educational Focus CEU Series
Publication Date: 39387
9997 in stock
SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check before purchasing to verify if it is accepted in your state.
All chapters are approved by and NAESA for QEI (maximum of 0.2 CEU for online courses per annual renewal period can be applied towards maintenance of qualifications for certified inspectors) and NAEC for CET continuing education with most approved for CAT. Also approved by the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Purchase all 15 exams at once for 21 contact hours (2.1 CEUs) of credit. The exams can be taken over a two year period.
Click here to download your free Educational Focus Guide to Continuing Education.
Author Bio
Elevator World, Inc. is the largest publisher in the world devoted to the elevator industry: publishing a monthly journal; compiling the Elevator World SOURCE, the most inclusive directory in the industry; publishing numerous books used for industry education; maintaining ELENET, a biweekly email newsletter; and developing the Elevator World online network, a group of specialized websites with more than 70,000 users a month. Elevator World is the publisher and distributor of the print-based materials for the four-year Certified Elevator Technician (CET) Education Program. The company is 62 years old and has played a key role in the transfer of knowledge in the vertical-transportation industry.
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