2008 February: Installation & Operation of the Reynolds & Reynolds UV2 Powervator
Author: Elevator World
Publication Date: 2008
Article Link: Read Article
9930 in stock
SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing.
This test is based on the article, Installation & Operation of the Reynolds & Reynolds UV2 Powervator, published in the February 2008 issue and counts as 1 Contact Hour (0.1 CEU) towards recertification. Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI and in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Learning Objectives - After reading this article, you should have learned about:
- ASME A17.1-2004 code requirements for elevator battery backup emergency rescue systems
- The principle behind the UV2 Powervator
- The components and basic operation of the Powervator
- Proper mounting, installation and operation of the Powervator
- Testing and maintenance procedures for the Powervator
Enrollment Procedures:
- If you do not already have an account on elevatorbooks.com, you will need to create one. NOTE: the name of the person purchasing must be the same name as the person who will take the exam.
- For articles, click the "Read Article" tab above to download and study the article. For other courses, be sure to purchase the corresponding book.
- Include your full name when purchasing the exam.
- Follow the instructions on the purchase confirmation page to log in to the Online Testing Center.
- If you scored 80% or above, you can immediately print your certificate of completion. If you fail the exam, you will be given instructions on how to pay a re-take fee and take the exam again.