2018 February Traction Elevators: A Comparative Study on Wire Rope Stretch
Publication Date: 2018
Article Link: Read Article
9905 in stock
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This test is based on the article, Traction Elevators: A Comparative Study on Wire Rope Stretch, published in the February 2018 issue and counts as one contact hour (0.1 CEU) of elevator industry continuing education credit. Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI and in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Learning Objectives - After reading this article, you should have learned about:
- The expansion characteristics of wire rope
- The types of wire-rope stretch and how they are caused
- How to calculate the applied load to wire rope
- How to calculate and utilize the modulus of elasticity of a wire rope
- How the construction and composition of a wire rope affects its elastic characteristics
Enrollment Procedures:
- If you do not already have an account on elevatorbooks.com, you will need to create one. NOTE: the name of the person purchasing must be the same name as the person who will take the exam.
- For articles, click the "Read Article" tab above to download and study the article. For other courses, be sure to purchase the corresponding book.
- Include your full name when purchasing the exam.
- Follow the instructions on the purchase confirmation page to log in to the Online Testing Center.
- If you scored 80% or above, you can immediately print your certificate of completion. If you fail the exam, you will be given instructions on how to pay a re-take fee and take the exam again.
Author Bio
Elevator World, Inc. is the largest publisher in the world devoted to the elevator industry: publishing a monthly journal; compiling the Elevator World SOURCE, the most inclusive directory in the industry; publishing numerous books used for industry education; maintaining ELENET, a biweekly email newsletter; and developing the Elevator World online network, a group of specialized websites with more than 70,000 users a month. Elevator World is the publisher and distributor of the print-based materials for the four-year Certified Elevator Technician (CET) Education Program. The company is 62 years old and has played a key role in the transfer of knowledge in the vertical-transportation industry.
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